Casino war eve

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While INN’s been fixated obsessively over a fairly bad faith and dense interpretation of Legacy’s war time rallying language, they’ve been ignoring their own leader’s gaffs. Not that this has stopped INN from doing the same kind of moralizing and referencing PAPI as some evil BoB entity. What Legacy should have instead said is “we’re gonna break Goon’s stuff because f*ck you and we can.” That’s all the reason you need to do anything in Eve. Secondly Goons can technically “win” even if there’s only 1 active member in their alliance doing PI. There’s no morality to be had, just winners and losers. First of all don’t try to moralize Eve because it’s easy to poke holes through any such claims. Specifically I’m referring to the call for exterminating Goons because they are bad for the game. They handed the Imperium a horse which INN has not taken a break from beating. I will say this much regarding Legacy however. It’s mostly been a one sided affair with the Imperium dominating most of the coverage via INN. Raw Circle of Two Defection Logs from WWBĭespite this I have been watching with much amusement as the different sites have jockeyed for narrative position.

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